Aug, 3 Posted by Stefy

Dakota worked on a new collaboration with Casa Vega Restaurant back in June. She created a Margarita for Casa Vega Restaurant’s 65th Anniversary Celebration

Kicking off summer with @dakotafanning!!! Proudly presenting, The DAKOTA… a Honey & Thyme Margarita 🍯 @dakotafanning is joining our 65th Anniversary Celebration and efforts to provide food security for the back-of-house restaurant kitchen workers that are unemployed due to restaurants permanently closed by COVID-19. @nouswithoutyou is also tutoring children 🧒🏽 that fell behind in pandemic and/or were unable to attend any remote schooling 🖍
Don Julio Reposado
Honey Infused Simple Syrup
Fresh Lemon Juice 🍋
Profits from the @dakotafanning x @casavegarestaurant collab for month of June will be donated to @nouswithoutyou 💕NO US WITHOUT YOU feeds a family of four for $33 week.

Dakota Fanning Dakota Fanning Dakota Fanning Dakota Fanning