Nov, 11 Posted by Stefy

Dakota‘s movie “Sweetness in The Belly” came out this year, if you’ve missed it be sure to watch it. I’ve added the movie screen captures to the gallery so be sure to give a look to them.

Dakota Fanning Dakota Fanning Dakota Fanning Dakota Fanning

Nov, 5 Posted by Stefy

Dakota is on the cover of “Heroine Magazine” newest issue featuring a wonderful new photoshoot by Danielle Levitt. Be sure to check out the newest photos in the gallery!

Dakota FanningDakota Fanning Dakota Fanning Dakota Fanning

Dakota Fanning Dakota Fanning Dakota Fanning Dakota Fanning

Nov, 3 Posted by Stefy

Dakota‘s movie “Viena and the Fantomes” came out this year, if you’ve missed it be sure to check it out. The gallery has been updated with the movie screen captures.

Dakota Fanning Dakota Fanning Dakota Fanning Dakota Fanning

Nov, 2 Posted by Stefy

Dakota was photographed while she was outside her home a few weeks ago, October 19. You can see the candids in the gallery!

Dakota Fanning Dakota Fanning Dakota Fanning Dakota Fanning

In case you’ve missed it Dakota worked on a new project “Last Looks“, a series on Quibi in which she is a narrator and executive produce.

“Even though the shows are quite short, I think that you do get a full picture of who these people are. It’s not a one-dimensional look at each person, you really do get to see all sides,” says Fanning. “I think the show does its best to delve into their psyche and try to understand why they do the things that they do.”
What attracted you to Last Looks?
It’s a space and a theme that I enjoy watching as a viewer, like true crime series and docuseries, that’s something that I gravitate towards. So I was super excited by discovering the stories of people that I had maybe heard about and maybe some that I hadn’t heard about, and interweaving that with the world of fashion. As I got to narrate and learn the stories, it was super fascinating. I loved learning about each subject.
Sounds weird to say that you enjoy true crime, but I’m fascinated by the darkness of it all.
What do you hope viewers take away from these stories?
I hope that they get to learn about them, [especially] the more tragic stories of women who lost their lives. I think getting to learn about their stories is honoring them in a way.
If you are a true crime fan, I think that you’ll get a quick hit of these stories in that Quibi way, which makes it very easy to follow and easy to understand and super fast in this time where everyone is starting to get back into… I mean, we’re not back into normal life, but we can go for a walk again. It won’t take up too much of your time. – Read more